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Po Leung Kuk Kindergartens-Primary Schools Alliance


In the 2023/24 academic year, the Po Leung Kuk implemented the "Po Leung Kuk Kindergartens-Primary Schools Alliance" policy to enhance resource sharing and connectivity among 24 primary schools and 24 kindergartens across seven regions in Hong Kong, Kowloon, and the New Territories. The policy aims to optimize resource utilization and foster diverse and multidimensional collaboration, creating a greater synergistic effect. It allows kindergarten students and parents to benefit from primary school resources in advance while promoting connectivity among stakeholders, including principals, teaching teams, students, and parents, to enhance the overall effectiveness of early childhood education services.


Professional Steering in Pursuit of Excellence

Po Leung Kuk actively promotes quality and diversified education services. With more than 75 years of experience in education, our teaching team is highly professional and familiar with the unique characteristics of different districts in education, building a deep connection with parents and the entire community.


Po Leung Kuk’s affiliated schools have established a robust network of teaching resources, while principals and teachers continue to undergo professional training and exchange programmes to help children thrive and grow.


Enhancing Potential & Promoting Whole-person Education

The Po Leung Kuk affiliated kindergartens and primary schools work closely to implement the “Po Leung Kuk Kindergartens-Primary Schools Alliance” to share the diversified and quality resources. In addition to opening up their campus facilities to the kindergartens in the same district, the primary schools also arrange a variety of “Trial Experience” activities and learning opportunities, including Music, Sports, Arts and Culture, Biliteracy and Trilingualism, Innovation and Technology, etc., to arouse children’s interest in learning and their spirit of exploring through different enriching activities. Po Leung Kuk kindergarten students can enjoy a fulfilling and outstanding learning experience, broaden their horizons and acquire an early understanding of primary school life for better preparation for their future.


  • Experience the STEM, programming, visual arts, music, and sports activities of primary schools.
  • Enjoy the use of music rooms, libraries, sports venues and assembly halls of primary schools for learning activities.
  • Participate in different special events of primary schools, e.g., the Chinese Culture Day, Chinese New Year/Christmas Celebration, Joint School Sports Day, etc.
  • Provide parents with seminars on parental education and preparation for their children’s transition to primary school.
  • Kindergarten and primary school students can interact and grow together for peer development.

Nurturing Pleasant and Positive Children

Po Leung Kuk has implemented different types of “Positive Education Programme” in affiliated kindergartens, primary and secondary schools to cultivate students’ positive attitudes, motivation to learn, willingness to experiment and facing challenges. The Education Bureau has highly commended the effectiveness of these programmes.


The Kuk has also established various Education Development Funds covering sports training and development, creativity and technology, emotional and mental health, etc., so that students can have the opportunity to realise their unlimited potential in a quality and resource-rich learning environment.



Activity Highlights


March 2025
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Media Report

"Po Leung Kuk Kindergartens-Primary Schools Alliance" Opening Ceremony 


Sharing of parents


Po Leung Kuk Kindergartens-Primary Schools Alliance — School Distribution



Media Report

  1. 幼小協作|保良局幼稚園生越級入小學 小學生變導師照顧「弟妹」學待人接物|Sunday Kiss|2024-01-04
  2. 保良局轄下學校推幼小同盟 小學生做幼稚園導師 共享校園設施丨香港01丨2024-01-03
  3. 保良局 幼稚園越級到小學 小學生變導師照顧「弟妹」 保良局總主任:冀政策推至社區宣傳綠色生活|梁永樂丨Oh!爸媽丨2024-01-03
  4. 校園直擊丨保良局推「幼小同盟」資源共享 小學生變導師照顧師弟妹丨香港經濟日報網丨2024-01-03
  5. 保良局「幼小同盟」加強屬校協作 創多元化優質學習環境丨明校網(明報)Happypama教得樂(明報)丨2024-01-02
  6. 保良局推出“幼小同盟”政策屬下近50間幼稚園及小學資源共享 豐富學習經歷丨紫荊雜誌丨2023-08-31
  7. 保良局推「幼小同盟」 加強教學資源共享丨星島頭條丨2023-08-30
  8. 保良局推「幼小同盟」 屬下48間幼稚園及小學共享設施、齊辦活動丨香港01丨2023-08-30
  9. 保良局屬下小學幼稚園將共享校園設施 幼稚園生可參加小學興趣班丨明報丨2023-08-30
  10. 【幼小同盟】保良局48間幼小結盟應對校舍及人手挑戰 幼稚園生可共享小學校舍及參加小學國教活動及興趣班丨香港經濟日報網丨2023-08-30
  11. 教育局支持辦學團體加強幼小學校資源共享及連繫丨巴士的報丨2023-08-30
  12. 教育局支持辦學團體加強幼小學校資源共享丨香港電台網站丨2023-08-30
  13. 保良局屬下48間幼稚園小學將共享資源 擬辦國安嘉年華、大灣區交流團丨香港獨立媒體丨2023-08-30