Educational Services

DEDICATED to nurture youngsters in our society
Dedicated to serving the community, the Kuk offers comprehensive quality education which caters to the general public and to keep abreast of the fast-changing society.
"Love, Respect, Diligence and Integrity", motto of Kuk's affiliated schools, places great emphasis on educating the young, nurturing the morality and helping them to achieve "Cognitive, Aesthetic, Social, Physical and Moral development". Our students are therefore encouraged to engage in community service which could foster their values towards their nationality, as well as adopting an open attitude towards different issues.
The Kuk is a non-political and non-religious sponsoring body, of which different thoughts, ideas and religions co-exist under the condition that the law shall not be violated and the teaching order shall not be disrupted.
The Kuk has 95 educational services units which are operating on a non-profit making basis. The Kuk's educational services units include a community college, a quality private independent school, aided secondary schools, Direct Subsidy Scheme secondary schools, aided primary schools, Direct Subsidy Scheme primary schools, private primary school, kindergartens, special schools with boarding facilities, education services centres, English learning centres, Pre-primary Education Services Centre, Central Library cum Resource Centre, Education and Research Testing Centre and Central Campus TV.
The Education Affairs Department supports, coordinates and monitors the educational services units to ensure quality education is well-provided.
Po Leung Kuk operates 24 kindergartens across Hong Kong, Kowloon, and the New Territories. All of these kindergartens have joined the "Kindergarten Education Scheme" of the Education Bureau (EDB), which provides high-quality early childhood education services for children aged 2 years and 8 months to 6 years. In an excellent learning environment, our kindergartens adopt diverse learning modes, including bilingual and trilingual education, music, physical education, arts, and technology, to stimulate children's interest in learning. We also tailor the programmes to the children's developmental needs and abilities, helping them construct knowledge and common skills joyfully. This approach fosters positive thinking and character strengths, leading to holistic development. Our kindergartens also provide support for non-Chinese speaking children and their parents, helping them integrate into school life. The professional team of Po Leung Kuk kindergartens has extensive teaching experience and great enthusiasm. They care deeply for the children and work closely with parents to create a rich and rewarding first three years of education for the children.
Learn more about Po Leung Kuk's kindergartens, please visit:
Primary School
Education Services run a total of 24 primary schools, including four direct subsidy schools. Among them, they operate around 600 classes and serve a total student population of around 20,000.
Our schools have a uniform assessment and award scheme for the five quality circles - moral/social, intellectual, physical, music and art education.
Secondary School
There are 16 affiliated secondary schools offering places for over 13,000 students.
Our key programs and policies:
- Provide quality and all-round education
- Develop the potentials of individual students
- Provide a wide range of electives in the key learning areas of the New Senior Secondary Curriculum
- Improve language education under the framework of Fine-tuned Medium of Instruction for Secondary Schools so that students can be competent in both Chinese and English
- Encourage students to read and develop good and continuous reading habits
- Provide opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular activities and community services
- Actively organize overseas education exchange programmes to widen students' exposure
- Emphasize moral and civic education, to teach students to be good citizens and to give back to society
- Utilise resources to improve campus facilities
- Po Leung Kuk Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College links with Po Leung Kuk Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College to be a through-train aided secondary school. The students of Po Leung Kuk Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College can be promoted to Form Four of Po Leung Kuk Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College after completing the junior secondary curriculum
Special School
PLK currently operates four special schools for children with moderate to severe mental disabilities - three of them offering boarding facilities. All four offer a total of 316 places in 37 classes with another 114 places in the Boarding Section. The Primary Section provides special training in communication skills, self-care, social skills, rudimentary arithmetic and sensory movement. The Secondary Section focuses more on the training of practical skills.
Post-secondary Education / Community College
Po Leung Kuk Academy of Professional Education
- Mission to fulfill the continued educational needs for in-service and aspiring professionals by promoting vocational and professional education and training.
- All professional diploma/ certificate programmes were accredited by Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) and benchmarked at Level 4 in the Qualifications Framework.
- Po Leung Kuk staff who pursue HKCAAVQ accredited progrmmes offered by the Academy are eligible to apply for the Po Leung Kuk Professional Education Fund, which was setup with a fraction of donation from the BOCHK Centenary Charity Programme.
HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College(HPSHCC)
- HPSHCC was established to provide Associate Degree, Higher Diploma and Certificate in General Studies Programmes for the secondary school leavers.
- The College campus has been equipped with state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities, including classrooms, computer laboratories, library, lecture theatres, student development and counseling service centre, performing arts studio and learning commons. Moreover, there are well-equipped laboratories for the Higher Diploma in Medical and Health Products Management and the Higher Diploma in Nutrition and Food Management programmes, training centre for the Higher Diploma in Hotel Management programme and a special classroom for the Higher Diploma in Fashion Styling and image Design programme.
- HPSHCC now offers 5 Associate Degree and 18 Higher Diploma programmes. The programmes cover a range of areas that caters for the diverse interests of young people, including Applied Social Sciences (Communication, Public Relations and Journalism, Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement, Human Resource Management and Development, Psychology as well as Youth and Services), Accounting, Business Management, Legal Studies, Fashion Styling and Image Design, Health and Social Care, Medical and Health Products, Nutrition and Food Health, Sport and Recreation, Real Estate, Hotel, Tourism and Hospitality.
- All Associate Degree and Higher Diploma programmes offered by HPSHCC are planned and accredited by HKU SPACE in accordance with its stringent quality assurance process. Successful completion of the academic programmes offered by HPSHCC leads to awards within The University of Hong Kong (HKU) system through HKU SPACE.
- Graduates are provided with various opportunities for further studies, which they are eligible to apply for admission to the local universities (UGC-funded or self-financed degree programmes), studying abroad, or the full-time degree programmes offered locally by the HKU SPACE Centre for Degree Programmes (CDP) in collaboration with overseas universities. HPSHCC’s sub-degree qualifications are also recognised by many professional bodies, including: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Hong Kong Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians (HKIAAT), Association of International Accountants (AIA), Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong (IFPHK), The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS), The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), U.K. Institute of Paralegals, Law Society of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Pharmacy Technicians Association.
Education Services Centre
Being one of the largest School Sponsoring Bodies in Hong Kong, it is always one of our responsibilities to provide “Whole Person Development” to our students instead of just focusing on their academic performances. As such, with the approval of Education Bureau, we have organized and offered various high quality interest groups, in 13 of our secondary and primary schools premises, for students within the local community to participate after school.
Besides, 3 education services centres offering different types of programmes, were set up at the Kuk in Causeway Bay and in Kwai Chung District so as to cater the learning needs of those young kids and disadvantaged children during their developmental growth.
Quality Independent Private School
- Choi Kai Yau School is the first non-profit through-train quality private independent school in Hong Kong. The curriculum follows the standard first ten years of primary and secondary education with the final two years spent on the International Baccalaureate (IB) program.
- The school endeavours to promote an all-round education, and teaches in English and Putonghua (Mandarin) to promote the students' bilingual skills. The new campus commenced operation in September 2009.