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Youth Services

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Creative Arts and Culture Services


Mission and Vision

Providing professional artistic experiences and fostering creative thinking to enhance young people's interest and broaden their horizons on cultural arts, to nurture their inner growth and holistic development.


Gathering resources from various industries to cultivate and connect talents in cultural arts. Establishing platforms for communication and cooperation among young artists to inspire their creativity and imagination.


Encouraging young people to serve the community through arts and creativity, to become community leaders who drive public engagement and discussions. This promotes sustainable social development and brings a positive impact to society.


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Service Target

  • Nurturing young artists and creative talents
  • Promoting arts education and enhancing whole-person development
  • Enriching the quality of community life by fostering a culture of connection through arts and creativity


Core services


Project Sponsorship

Community Engagement & Arts Education

Every young people should have equal opportunities to receive arts education. Let's undertake the social responsibilities and build a brighter future for Hong Kong!


We operate on a self-finance basis. Sponsorship packages can be tailored for corporates and foundations. Welcome to enrich the artistic literacy of young people by sponsoring our programme.





For enquiries and more details:

Youth Community Arts Centre

Address:Unit 1210-1214, 41 Heung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong

Tel:5726 5454

Email:[email protected]


