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Cho Kwai Chee Energetic Youth Club

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Community Youth Services


Cho Kwai Chee Energetic Youth Club


Po Leung Kuk Cho Kwai Chee Energetic Youth Club was established in Yuen Long with the vacant premise courtesy of welfare lettings to NGOs at concessionary rents by the Government, as well as support of the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged by Social Welfare Department and sponsorships from our business partners. The centre uses Pop Music as a medium to train young people. It regularly organizes professional music training workshops, as well as large-scale concerts and territory-wide competitions to encourage local young musicians to showcase their talents and make friends through music. The centre also connects music and art by organizing "Music Festival" and "Creative Market" to provide a performance platform for young musicians and allow local artists and craftsmen to express their creativity and get a taste of entrepreneurship.


Target Groups: Youth aged 10 - 40


Opening Hours

10:00AM – 1:00PMClosed to the public  Centre Closed
1:00PM – 2:00PMLunch Hour
2:00PM – 6:00PM
6:00PM – 7:00PMDinner Hour
7:00PM – 10:00PM  


:Service Time



For enquiries and cooperation matters:

Cho Kwai Chee Energetic Youth Club

Address: 38 Wang Yip Street East, Yuen Long

Tel.: 2915 9633

Fax.: 2915 9221

Email: [email protected]


Instagram: @plkeyc