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Po Leung Kuk Charity Raffle cum Territory-wide Fund-raising Campaign 2024

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About us

Established in 1878, Po Leung Kuk has been dedicated to serving the people in Hong Kong. The Kuk has now developed diversified services to cater for the needs of the underprivileged, and has to rely heavily on public donations to finance its huge expenses.

The Po Leung Kuk Charity Raffle cum Territory-wide Fund-raising Campaign is one of the largest series of district-based charity programmes held in Hong Kong every year. Funds raised will finance the development of social services and education services of the Kuk. We will keep enhancing the services to ease the lives of grassroots and the underprivileged groups based on the work goal of "Putting People First from the Start. Igniting Kindness with United Hearts."




Charity Raffle

The charity raffle sales will be carried out in the Kuk’s affiliated schools, PLK service units, and the designated sale counters at shopping malls, private and public housing estates.



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Territory-wide Fund-raising Campaign

A series of charity sale, shows and events will be organized by various public housing estates and organizations all over Hong Kong. Territory-wide

Fund-raising Contest will be conducted at the same time.

Please join us now! (in Chinese only)

Photo Album Reply Form

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Charity Bazaars Day

13th October 2024 (Sunday)

More than a hundred of charity sale booths spreading all over Hong Kong are waiting for you.



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Usage of Funds

The administrative expenses of the event are sponsored by the Board of Directors of Po Leung Kuk. Funds raised will be fully used for supporting the social and educational services of the Kuk. Your donation will help the needy ones in the community including the grassroots families, children, young people, elders, the disabled, patients etc.




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Be part of us/ Important dates

From now on

Register for the Campaign

19th July 2024 (Friday)

Deadline of confirming event details with Po Leung Kuk

28th September 2024 (Saturday)

Kick-off Ceremony

28th September - 8th November 2024

Charity Raffle Sales

5th October - 27th October 2024

Territory-wide Fund-raising Campaign

15th October 2024 (Sunday)

Charity Bazaars Day

21st November 2024 (Friday)

Charity Raffle Draw cum Celebration Dinner

26th November 2024 (Tuesady) 

Announcement of Charity Raffle Draw Result

Donate Now Download Sponsorship Form Join Territory-wide Fund-raising Campaign 


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Please show your support now!

Inquiry(Fund-raising Dept.): 2277 8143 (Office) / 6708 2413 (WhatsApp)

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