Healthy Mission
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Healthy Mission

This territory-wide project targets primary school students, and promote healthy lifestyle on campus by increasing their awareness of the harm of drug abuse and enhancing their ability to resist taking drugs.
- Increase students' resistance to temptations and build up positive values among them
- Educate students about the harm of drugs with fun learning experiences, and equip them with refusal skills to keep themselves away from drugs
- Cultivate positive values among students and raise their health awareness
Service Target/Scope
Students from P4 to P6
Activities include Health test and information station, Soci-game, Interactive drama workshop and Healthy ambassadors scheme.
Introduction of Main Services
- Health test and information station
- Soci-game
- Interactive drama workshop
- Health ambassador scheme
- Professional training/Healthy lifestyle talks
Student Development Services
(Formerly known as Student Support Services)
Address: 66 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel.: 2277 8536
Fax.: 2331 9846
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: PoLeungKukStudentSupportServices
Instagram: @poleungkuksss