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C3 Co-working Space for Youth 



In response to the government's innovative project "Youth Shared Space Scheme", the Kuk cooperated with Hip Shing Hong Development Co., Ltd. to launch the " C3 Co-working Space for Youth" to establish a shared work venue with affordable price and provide a variety of support services to the young entrepreneurs. We encourage the young people to "Co-Learn, Co-Create, and Co-Work" here and explore the business oppotunities.  


Target Group

Young entrepreneurs



  1. Co-Learn: Regularly organize business workshops or professional training to enhance entrepreneurs’ business knowledge. 

  2. Co-Create: Encourage entrepreneurs to develop their strengths and create together in this place. 

  3. Co-Work: Provide work venue with affordable rent price.  



  1. Entrepreneurship counseling: Provide business consultation and expert matching to answer questions for entrepreneurs. 

  2. Financial support: Provide seed funds for entrepreneurs to reduce startup costs. 

  3. Business training: Hold business knowledge workshops or lectures to enrich entrepreneurs’ knowledge. 

  4. Exhibition and sales platform: hold road shows and operate market platforms to provide entrepreneurs with a platform to showcase their brands. 

  5. Shared space: Rent out workspaces to young entrepreneurs at preferential rents. 





C3 Co-working Space for Youth 

Tel.:2114 3940

Email:[email protected]