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護理員值得大家尊重-保良局郭羅桂珍護老院護理員Apple (Chinese Only)

護理員值得大家尊重-保良局郭羅桂珍護老院護理員Apple (Chinese Only)

「護理員唔係只識得換片、沖涼,護理員值得大家尊重」-保良局郭羅桂珍護老院護理員Apple。   工作量大、受氣、骯髒、輪班工作……不少人認為安老院護理員工作辛苦,亦「看不起」護理員工作,不願意入行。從事長者服務已經18 年的梁詩萍A p ple 卻笑著說︰「照顧長者係辛苦㗎,但係如果我辛苦可以令到老人家開心,咁就係值得。將心比心去做,這刻長者嘅感受就係你將來嘅感受。」   早上七時,一般辦公室上班族可能正剛剛起床。Apple已換好一身制服,回到院舍開始一天的工作︰協助長者起床、清潔、準備早餐;然後轉眼已是早上八時半了,Apple 與其他護理員一齊協助長者洗澡、安排認知障礙訓練小組或進行香薰按摩。到了約11 時,便是長者的午餐時間,護理員們一邊餵老友記進食、一邊與他們聊天「盡訴心中情」,團隊然後協助各位老友記午睡過後,Apple 休息進膳,隨後便是與下一更同事進行交更簡報、巡房……   忙碌過後,Apple 坐下來與小編娓娓道來她擔任護理員的經歷︰「以前媽媽不認同我(做護理員),公眾對護理員嘅印象就係(幫長者)換片、沖涼,大家唔係以正面嘅態度睇我地嘅工作。但其實長者有事或者係最危險嘅一刻,通常護理員係第一個發現,例如可能護理員會喺幫長者換片時發現長者手腳無力,可能係院友突然病發嘅先兆。」   經過10 多年的努力,Apple 憑著她專業、細心和認真的工作態度,漸漸得到長者院友、家屬的認同,和長者像朋友一樣相處,有家屬在長者離世後,邀請Apple 為長者撰寫禮文及出席安息禮拜。   Apple 笑言,現在她的工作已得到家人朋友的認同︰「家人或朋友有長者要入住安老院,佢哋自自然然會問我意見。我最開心係見到老人家笑,佢哋笑一下好過我笑十下,我寧願辛苦啲,希望可以令老人家喺佢地人生最後階段過得更美好。」   除了身邊人的認同,Apple 更加希望透過自身的經歷,向公眾傳達︰「護理員值得大家尊重」。
The General Attendants of the Po Leung Kuk Kindergarten-cum-Nursery - Auntie Fan and Auntie Kwan

The General Attendants of the Po Leung Kuk Kindergarten-cum-Nursery - Auntie Fan and Auntie Kwan

Who is the most unforgettable person in your few years of kindergarten life? Teachers? Classmates? Or if you can remember, the General Attendants who made relentless effort to prepare your diets and clean up the kindergarten premises?    The work of Auntie Fan and Auntie Kwan, the General Attendants of the Po Leung Kuk Kindergarten cum Nursery, is just like any other attendants with the same duties, they are always the earliest staff arriving the school. Before lesson starts, they need to clean up all classrooms and teaching aids to ensure everything the toddlers touch are clean. After students coming back to school, they need to assist the chef in making refreshments, take the kids to toilets, as well as get the children to sleep and cover them with blankets during nap time. Auntie Fan and Auntie Kwan both joke about their roles are just like the kids’ mothers.     Full-time kindergarten students need to spend almost whole day at school. Therefore, their development and growth greatly rely on school education, in which General Attendants can fill in the gaps to the tasks that teachers do not have time to manage, such as leading the students through toilet training, tutoring them how to use chopsticks or washing hands. All the trivial tasks performed by the General Attendants create a more comfortable learning environment for the children.       Even though the work is busy, Auntie Fan and Auntie Kwan are still satisfied with their jobs. It is because witnessing children’s growth is a beautiful thing for them.   
Sum Miu, Welfare worker

Sum Miu, Welfare worker

Comprehensive residential care services bring colors to children’s life. “Why do the children need to be suffered at such a young age? Every child deserves proper care.”  Po Leung Kuk offers a variety of residential care services to children with family difficulties. One of them is the “New Comers’ Ward” at the Headquarters, which is the only gazetted place of refuge in Hong Kong providing urgent and short-term residential care for children who are under family crisis. It is common that children would feel nervous and anxious when they entered the new environment. The support and companionship of our frontline caregivers are therefore important to create the warmest shelter for the children.  Sum Miu is one of the welfare workers who has been working in the Ward for 3 years already. She has looked after more than 300 children with inadequate family care due to sudden family crises, divorce /decease /imprisonment / hospitalisation of parents, or child abuse. “Sometimes police rang the doorbell at 2 or 3am and brought the kids around. The top priority at that time is to prepare sufficient food and bed to meet the children’s physical needs.”  Emotional support is another crucial duty of the staff. Sum Miu pointed that the Ward has set up the “Golden 2 Hours” system. Each new-coming child will receive exclusive child care by a specific staff as their ‘Buddy’, who will answer their concern for living in the Ward so as to soothe their anxiety.   Emotional and behavioral problems are often found in the Ward’s children with complicated family background. It requires substantial effort to open up their hearts and educate them. “Patience is the key. For instance, if they were in temper, we will teach them to clench their fists, stand aside and try to calm down. Afterwards we will explain the reason to them and solve the problems step-by-step. I hope the children can leave with the knowledge learnt from the Kuk and develop the proper attitude to get along with people.”
Cheung Sir

Cheung Sir

  25 is simply the golden age of everything, some people work hard for their career, while some people are getting prepared to form their own families. But for the 25-year-old Cheung Ka Fai, he is already the “dad” of 14 boys. This Cheung Ka Fai is not the renowned actor we see on screen. He, dubbed as “Cheung Sir”, holds a Master of Social Work and is the “parent” of the Po Leung Kuk’s dormitory in Children Section, responsible for taking care of 14 “sons” regularly.      Cheung Sir needs to take care of 14 boys aged between 6 and 18 living in one of the Kuk’s dormitory. Every day, Cheung Sir the “dad” needs to wake up his sons for school, ask them to brush up and get dressed, make them breakfasts, tidy up, pick them up after school and teach them homework. But his role is not only limited to “dad”, when he got along with children in secondary schools, he treats himself like their “brother”, who can chit chat and joke around with them, or confide in each other, and built up their relationship in a comparatively casual way. Cheung Sir is also like a “tutor” in after-school care class, guiding them to study and finish their homework in the self-study periods. During weekends, he then turned himself into “fitness coach” to train up their physique and supervise them to do more exercise.    Being the parent of the dormitories need to work long hours, but the wish of spending more time with the new generations has triggered Cheung Sir to move from a student discipline teacher in secondary school to the big family of Po Leung Kuk. Children living in the dormitories cannot receive adequate cared for by their families due to various family problems, and often lack father’s care during their growth. Therefore, Cheung Sir hopes to give them care and love by the identity as a “dad”. He also mentioned that each child has a unique background underlying different family issues, it is necessary to adopt different tailor-made approaches to get along with each child, so as to establish relationships with them, gain their trust and give them a sense of security; but at the same time need to ensure everyone is being treated equally, in order to let them realise the common standard in dealing with serious problems.   Helping the children to understand themselves, explore their dreams, discover their ways of life, and among all to learn to be a good boy, are all the meanings for him to be a “dad”.