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Love @ Po Leung Kuk

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First school track cycling team in Hong Kong

Injury can’t stop me from cycling. It is where my passion lies.

The road to pursuing dreams is paved with perseverance and unremitting efforts.


3 years ago, 3 cycling enthusiasts from Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching College, joined the “Light Up Your Dream” project of the school. They spent 3 months to submit the proposal about setting up the track cycling team in school. Unfortunately, the result is unsuccessful due to the manpower and financial constraints of the school. Instead of giving up, the students almost spent all of their pocket money in promotional video shooting and the purchase of equipment.


Mr. Sow Chai Leung, Student Development Officer, was moved by the passion of the students. He proactively searched for different resources and finally obtained enough funding from Po Leung Kuk and School Fund for the establishment of the first school track cycling team in Hong Kong. 


At the beginning, the racing result of the team was unsatisfactory. They even encountered vitriolic criticism from the audience when they were one lap behind their rivals. In response to the criticism, the cycling team keeps training even harder. Accident inevitably happened on one of the team player, Koo Pak-Hin, during a training. He sustained abrasion over half of his body and suffered from short-term memory loss, while his clothes were torn and the helmet was cracked. He was sent to hospital and took a month for recovery. The injuries and family opposition after the accident did not hinder his aspiration in track cycling. His perseverance finally paid off when he obtained the relevant qualifications. At present, Pak-Hin has been selected into the “Future Star” Programme under the Hong Kong Sports Institute and strives to enter into the Hong Kong Team.    


Up till now, the cycling team has more than 20 members. The team has gone to a short promotional film shooting about cycling safety earlier with Ms. Lee Wai-Sze Sarah, dubbed “Cycling Queen of Ngau Tau Kok” and Track Cycling Olympics Bronze Medalist. It brings great encouragement to the members for cycling along with their idol. They hope that they can team up with her side by side on the world stage one day.


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