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Compassionate Lawyer Sponsors 12 Children: Aiming to Bring Happiness and Warmth to Kids

Compassionate Lawyer Sponsors 12 Children: Aiming to Bring Happiness and Warmth to Kids

Every Saturday morning, Lawyer Wong takes the time to visit the children, playing and interacting with them, and even preparing snacks for them. “I’ve always felt very fortunate in my studies, work, and family, so I want to give back to society and bring happiness and warmth to the children!”   Lawyer Wong's connection with the children at Po Leung Kuk began in 2019. Initially, she learned about volunteer activities involving visits and interactions with children through a member newsletter from the Hong Kong Law Society. During that event, staff from Po Leung Kuk informed her about the facilities, programs, and sponsorship details. Lawyer Wong found the program meaningful and decided to become a sponsor, hoping to improve the children’s living environment and provide them with opportunities to participate in various extracurricular activities.   After completing training for sponsors, she officially began visiting the sponsored children. Although the COVID-19 pandemic caused multiple delays in visitations, it did not deter her compassionate spirit. She expressed that she enjoys every visit, fully engaging with the children, saying, “Whatever the children want to play, I play along with them, even if it’s in the garden.” She also keeps track of each child’s interests, personalities, and memories to make future visits more familiar and enjoyable.   “I remember on my first visit to one child, he asked if he could hug me.” Unfortunately, due to visitation rules prohibiting close contact, Lawyer Wong couldn’t give him a hug. However, that experience deeply moved her, highlighting the children's need for love and care. With a heart full of compassion, Lawyer Wong hopes to reach out to and visit even more children, bringing them joy. Thus, she decided to “expand her family” by increasing her sponsorship from 5 to a total of 12 children. “I hope that in the brief hour of our visit, the children can have fun and find a different experience in their daily lives at the facility; I also want them to feel that there are many people in society who care about and love them.”
「我同仔仔講,人生無咁順⋯⋯但係都要堅持落去,雖然有波折,但總會過去。」(Chinese Only)

「我同仔仔講,人生無咁順⋯⋯但係都要堅持落去,雖然有波折,但總會過去。」(Chinese Only)

每日在菜檔做兼職、接子放學,母子兩人攜手回家,吃一頓家常便飯,是申麗平(阿平)最簡單的幸福。不過,兒子耀揚約在半年前,右腳股骨突然移位,需要套上支架長期卧床。 相依為命的兩母子生活大亂,10 歲大的兒子頓成嬰兒,洗澡、如廁都要照顧;阿平難以離家工作,柴、米、油、鹽、房租等金錢壓力湧至,她都會偷偷躲起來哭。但擦乾眼淚後,就繼續上路,四出尋求幫助。她說:「做阿媽係咁㗎啦,堅持!如果唔係我個仔點算!」 五年級的耀揚與其他小孩無異,好玩好動,最愛打籃球。去年11 月,耀揚右腳膝蓋疼痛,阿平起初以為只是兒子太好動致肌肉酸痛,帶他去看鐵打。但他其後膝蓋腫脹,無法走路,一到急症室就要立即留院。原來兒子患上罕見兒童疾病「股骨頭缺血性壞死」(PerthesDisease);阿平憶述,當時已心知不妙,「醫生話佢右邊股骨移位,仲有骨枯,要做大手術」。   擔心兒子未必能承受手術,阿平一邊聽醫生解釋,已一邊淚流滿臉。可幸是,手術前仍有一線轉機,假若耀揚帶上支架後,穩定到股骨位置,能夠靠骨頭增生,移正股骨,未必需要做手術。為了讓兒子有機會逃過手術,阿平將耀揚接回家照顧。塑膠製支架套著耀揚的腰部至大腿,轉身都有難度,更莫說要自理。阿平說:「真係當佢BB 咁,抱佢起身,推佢沖涼、去廁所。」   原在菜檔的兼職因而放棄,阿平已是「手停口停」,房租限期將至,本堅持自力更生的她要申請綜緩,每次到元朗市中心交文件,都不能留下耀揚一人在家,只好推著兒子上輪椅,擠上輕鐵綫,其間更要擔心耀揚的右腳受碰撞而移位。四周的壓力令阿平難以入睡,亦常常流淚,但為免影響兒子心情,亦只得偷偷地哭。   綜緩審批期需時,其間阿平四處打探不同的經濟緩助,最終認識到保良局轄下,服務元朗和天水圍區的「天朗膳糧坊」的短期食物援助計劃。阿平說,一致電已有即時回應,社工得悉她不便外出,就派人家訪,「一見到吳姑娘已唔識講嘢⋯⋯ 覺得好溫暖」。   食物援助最長為期8 星期,派發乾糧如米、麵、餅乾、超級市場現金券等。計劃因應阿平特別需要,提供上門派餐服務。一包餅乾已令耀揚很高興,阿平說,兒子拿著餅乾不放呢。   透過食物援助計劃,阿平渡過了綜緩審批期,兒子卧床半年後,情況已大大改善,可望未來可拆除支架。耀揚學業因病而暫停,他時有擔心,但阿平勉勵他,照顧好身體,不怕沒將來,「我同仔仔講,人生無咁順⋯⋯ 但係都要堅持落去,雖然有波折,但總會過去。」 天朗膳糧坊 查詢電話︰ 2658 1511
(Chinese Only)為自己而跑

(Chinese Only)為自己而跑

保良局馬錦明中學自2017-2018 年度開始推行Poma Run 計劃,鼓勵師生每週四放學後一起街跑,藉運動推廣「正向教育」。學生莊騏駿(阿駿)自小性格文靜,一直對運動缺乏興趣,升中後參加了Poma Run 計劃,才讓他真正「動」起來:「當時全級同學及相識的朋友都參加,所以就跟大家一起玩。」就這樣踏出第一步。   為挑戰而跑 「街跑」聽起來輕鬆,其實要求不低:路程從學校籃球場跑出大街,最少要完成一至兩公里,對沒有運動習慣的阿駿來說,實在有點吃力:「記得有一次太陽很曬,那時步速還未穩定,又熱又累,眼見其他同學已經跑遠,當時有點絕望,幾乎要放棄了。」幸好他做了另一個決定,「但我仍然渴望下次可以跑得更遠,所以必須完成這一次鍛鍊,最後我沒放棄,一直跑到終點。」那一次堅持,成為了阿駿成長的起點。   在教練的指導和老師的鼓勵下,加上恆常的鍛鍊,阿駿從只能跑完一圈,到現在已可完成全程三圈,即大約三公里。一年後,他更獲得全年個人參與獎第二名,「以前我對做運動沒信心,自從取得銀牌後,我認為我可以做到!」真正收穫的,遠遠超過一面獎牌—— 如今阿駿更加入了柔力球表演隊,連帶讀書的心態也更積極,難怪他不忘初衷,「之後我會繼續參加 PomaRun,想獲得更多獎牌和增強運動能力。」那就繼續跑下去吧!
Leaving Nursing to Nurse Her Son Back to Health

Leaving Nursing to Nurse Her Son Back to Health

For every mother, feeling her baby growing inside of her during the 10 months of pregnancy is one of life’s most incredible journeys. Ms. Yiu, soon to be the mother of Laam Laam, could not wait to welcome her little one and start their small family, Born prematurely at just 26 weeks, Laam Laam’s tiny organs were not yet ready for the world. He spent crucial months in the hospital fighting to survive and he requires round-the-clock care – a ventilator breathes for him at all times.   Laam Laam couldn’t run and jump like other kids in the past 6 years because he had to go to the hospital for various treatments. His ventilator must be monitored constantly. As such, Ms. Yiu had no choice but to leave her job to be Laam Laam’s full-time caregiver. While the financial, physical, and emotional demands soon became overwhelming, money grew tight as the income of Ms. Yiu’s husband alone could not cover Laam Laam’s expensive medical costs.   Professional team of Po Leung Kuk Chao King Lin Early Learning Centre is helping Laam Laam on his muscle training     Thankfully, she heard about the Po Leung Kuk Chao King Lin Early Learning Centre-Special Child Center. When the professionals of the center heard about Laam Laam’s circumstances, a dedicated team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, childcare workers and social workers were fully geared up to provide holistic support for Laam Laam and his family. His performance on his speech, muscles and eating abilities were weaker than other children of his age at the beginning of training; however after 3 years of time at the center, Laam Laam made tremendous strides in developing his overall abilities.   Ms Yiu feels immensely grateful to Po Leung Kuk and the center for providing her family with comprehensive support She cherishes how their care gave her strength and courage to face each hurdle along this difficult journey. “Because if I did not hang in there with courage, who else could Laam Laam count on?” While uncertainty remains about the future of Yiu’s family, Po Leung Kuk will continue to support children with special needs and their families like Yiu’s family through the Kuk’s full backing in fostering children development and meeting their family needs.   With the assistance of Po Leung Kuk’s resources and generous contributions from donors, we are able to provide adequate and comprehensive training services for underprivileged children and families, safeguarding the children's growth and offering holistic support to families.