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First school track cycling team in Hong Kong

First school track cycling team in Hong Kong

The road to pursuing dreams is paved with perseverance and unremitting efforts.   3 years ago, 3 cycling enthusiasts from Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching College, joined the “Light Up Your Dream” project of the school. They spent 3 months to submit the proposal about setting up the track cycling team in school. Unfortunately, the result is unsuccessful due to the manpower and financial constraints of the school. Instead of giving up, the students almost spent all of their pocket money in promotional video shooting and the purchase of equipment.   Mr. Sow Chai Leung, Student Development Officer, was moved by the passion of the students. He proactively searched for different resources and finally obtained enough funding from Po Leung Kuk and School Fund for the establishment of the first school track cycling team in Hong Kong.    At the beginning, the racing result of the team was unsatisfactory. They even encountered vitriolic criticism from the audience when they were one lap behind their rivals. In response to the criticism, the cycling team keeps training even harder. Accident inevitably happened on one of the team player, Koo Pak-Hin, during a training. He sustained abrasion over half of his body and suffered from short-term memory loss, while his clothes were torn and the helmet was cracked. He was sent to hospital and took a month for recovery. The injuries and family opposition after the accident did not hinder his aspiration in track cycling. His perseverance finally paid off when he obtained the relevant qualifications. At present, Pak-Hin has been selected into the “Future Star” Programme under the Hong Kong Sports Institute and strives to enter into the Hong Kong Team.       Up till now, the cycling team has more than 20 members. The team has gone to a short promotional film shooting about cycling safety earlier with Ms. Lee Wai-Sze Sarah, dubbed “Cycling Queen of Ngau Tau Kok” and Track Cycling Olympics Bronze Medalist. It brings great encouragement to the members for cycling along with their idol. They hope that they can team up with her side by side on the world stage one day.  
Story of Sing

Story of Sing

“Can’t you control your kid?” Stampy Wan is a child with ADHD. It always made his mother feel embarrassing whenever Stampy Wan was accused of behavioral problems in public. His status also upset the principal and teachers at school. But instead of treating Stampy Wan as ‘difficult student’, they tailor-made a practical counselling programme for him with love and care.   Ms. Wong, teacher of PLK Women’s Welfare Club Western District Fung Lee Pui Yiu Primary School, has met with Stampy Wan since he was primary 3. Flashing back to the beginning, Stampy Wan did not even want to greet her, but Ms. Wong softened him up by her smile every day. Ms. Wong also fostered communication with Stampy Wan’s mother and gave her advice, such as guiding her to nurture Stampy Wan the sense of responsibility by assigning different tasks to the child. Moreover, the school offered various opportunities to empower Stampy Wan to be his best, for instance, unlocked Stampy Wan’s artistic talents through learning 3D printing.     Stampy Wan’s performance improved gradually under the help of the principal, teachers and school social workers. He was more adapting to the primary school life in higher grades, became socialized with other classmates, and achieved outstanding academic results. Stampy Wan’s mother believed that the key for such an achievement is “love”. Principal Chung Mei-Chun agreed that their tactic is to encourage rather than discourage. Teachers also felt contented and inspiring to the growth of Sing. Their love, care and respect to the child let him feel being valued and understood, and became a respectful and considerate child in return. The behavioral problems in lower grades finally disappeared, and he also learnt the way to cope with others.     Sing is now graduated from the primary school. His mother is greatly thankful to the efforts of every single staff. “Maybe it’s not a big deal for the teachers, but what they do has actually changed a person’s life. To be exact, it affects two persons. If not getting support from the school, both Sing and I will definitely go crazy.”   The essence of education is all about empowering children to navigate their own way. It is truly reflected on the teaching of PLK Women’s Welfare Club Western District Fung Lee Pui Yiu Primary School. Wish all angels in the world can also find the way to their dreams.  
Happy Clown project

Happy Clown project

Clown is the symbol of happiness. They hope to create smiles to people, which is also the wish of a clown - Choi Chun(蔡珍). Since joining the “Happy Clown Team” formed by members from the 8 elderly centres under Po Leung Kuk last year, the life of the 63-year-old lady has been full of laughter.   5 years ago, Choi Chun’s husband became immobile after a sudden stroke. He could hardly get out of the house and Choi Chun needed to stay home most of the time to look after the patient. A turning point came when Choi Chun was introduced to the Happy Clown project at the Po Leung Kuk Elderly Centre. She joined the team as volunteer clown and discovered her passion in “plate spinning”. Her husband noticed all the hard work she put into every practice. He fully supported her path to volunteering and let her pursue her interest. Choi Chun said, “Although he never speaks out, he always supports me by his action.” It is proven by her husband’s full attendance whenever Choi Chun has performance.   The transformation of the other half surprised Choi Chun. Her husband became more willing to go out of doors and more outgoing. Sometimes, Choi Chun brought along her husband to the clown trainings. After several visits, he started to get familiar with others. They also went to visit singleton elderly together. Experiencing all these changes and seeing the big grin spreads across his face again made Choi Chun eventually feel like lifting a burden off her shoulders.   As a Happy Clown, Choi Chun took part in the flash mobs at the shopping malls among different districts in Hong Kong, as well as the performances invited by the community centres, primary and secondary schools. Spreading the happiness to other seniors and children on stage has brought Choi Chun with enormous satisfaction. Happy Clown has made her life more colorful.