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(Chinese Only) 如鄰舍的咫尺情

(Chinese Only) 如鄰舍的咫尺情

帶著食物援助包來到受助者譚婆婆的家門前,隱約看到鐵閘布簾後的譚婆婆出來迎接。「係咪吳姑娘呀?好耐無見,好掛住你啊!」隨行的吳姑娘熟練的叫我們踏入家門,然後與譚婆婆一起整理桌椅。一坐下,譚婆婆又說,「婆婆唔叻,唔識字,好彩你叫吳姑娘,12345我仲識,我識叫你5姑娘。」兩人相視而笑,彷如老朋友相聚。   譚婆婆也算是保良局的「老朋友」,她2014年開始接受本局食物援助。   譚婆婆每月生活只靠長者生活津貼,女兒多年前已失去聯絡,婆婆現在獨力照顧13歲的孫女,屬跨代照顧個案。譚婆婆早年於地盤工作時弄傷了兩腿膝蓋,關節亦開始退化,近年只能靠拾紙皮增加收入,近月因疫情緣故,婆婆怕感染病毒傳染孫女,因此已放棄了拾紙皮工作,只能在生活上更加慳。她數日才捨得換一次口罩;每天早午餐加起來當一餐;每次到食物銀行拿食物,為了慳2元搭車錢,寧願步行超過30分鐘去領取物資;她常掛在嘴邊的是「希望留多一點給孫女」。   因此,當譚婆婆知道保良局扶弱計劃讓她可以得到額外的食物包時,她萬分感激保良局。「食物包有麵好正!樣樣都齊,幫輕咗我好多!我又可以煮腸仔麵俾孫女食!」婆婆拿著食物包中的超市禮券喜從心來,還興奮的告訴孫女「我哋可以去買多啲腸仔了!」   當我們關心婆婆夠吃與否時,譚婆婆感恩的說「夠了夠了,我不會多取,夠用就可以了。我哋窮,但也有人比我哋更窮,夠用就可以了!」婆婆很少為自己打算,整個傾談過程常常問我們坐得辛苦與否,又抱歉只有風扇沒有冷氣,還叮囑一段時間沒見的吳姑娘早點回工作間,「你早點回去吧,用了你一個小時,食物銀行忙著呢!」   平日分發食物援助時,吳姑娘也會把握機會關心受助者身心狀況,支援受眾物質的同時,也給予他們情緒上的關顧。但因疫情緣故,食物銀行需要支援更多基層家庭,個別關顧時間也相應減少了。吳姑娘知道我們上門訪問譚婆婆,她也特意調時間來見見婆婆,除為了來探探老朋友,也想親手將這食物包送給她,免卻她來回步行之苦。   一個食物包,一小時相聚,一見如故。食物援助紀錄表上是一個名字,背後卻是一個為照顧孫女努力生活的長者故事。分發食物,可以是機械式的工作,也可以是一個雪中送炭的咫尺善行。
感謝.信 讓自閉學員接通愛的世界(Chinese Only)

感謝.信 讓自閉學員接通愛的世界(Chinese Only)

今日的軒源媽媽(林太,長椅左),在保良局鄭翼之中心與斌Sir(陳衍斌助理經理)、洪姑娘(洪婉蓉社工)談笑緬懷。林太信中「進步良多」四字承載著的,就是足足二十年的汗水眼淚、起承轉合。   自閉症是一道隔閡,分隔了軒源的內心與外在世界,攔阻彼此的感受交流。隨著軒源踏入青春期,內心湧動情緒急欲表達,就接連出現推倒電視、拍打他人的發泄攻擊行為。軒源的突發行為與日俱增,父母疲於奔命,也無可避免影響到專注備試的兄長,轉移暫宿就成為無可避免的選擇。   「我將軒源帶到這世界,卻不能給予他正常的家庭生活和關愛,作為母親,這是一輩子的愧疚。」   林太曾經如此感受,如此寫下。洪姑娘與斌Sir都記得,經歷三年醫院精神病房生活,初轉至鄭翼之中心的軒源也有著推人扯髮等攻擊行為,情緒陰晴不定。但當軒源初見寬敞的課室設施、花園環境,職員與年紀相仿的同儕……這些前所未見的事物令他心生好奇,在中心同事的教育照顧下,軒源的表現亦開始漸見穩定。   今日的軒源,偶爾也會有脾氣與突發行為,但只要中心同事介入導引,不久就能平復冷靜。軒源溝通能力的進步與當初相比,更是不可同日而語——   從一開始封閉自我於內心世界,斌Sir就回想軒源有一次提起紙筆主動抄寫汽水機上「Orange」字樣,見證他對外界漸生好奇;今天軒源會離開房間踏足客廳,主動與同學一同看電視劇集,甚至成了Hotcha、糖妹的忠心粉絲;而最令洪姑娘欣喜的,莫過於軒源今日更懂得照顧他人,投入集體活動,甚至有同學會喚他作「阿哥」。   「雖然他不善表達,但也一樣有喜怒哀樂,教導軒源不重在經驗,請待他以真,相信軒源會感受到的。」   今日林太與家人都會定期探訪軒源,回想過往一同生活的片段,她十分清楚:「軒源雖不擅表達,但內心是很愛錫我們的。」往日軒源一聽到嫲嫲的腳步聲就會跑來擁抱:現今每週一次的探訪環節,他依然表現出滿心雀躍期待。   手握感謝信,林太與斌Sir、洪姑娘再次感謝彼此的耐心、努力與信任。或者軒源未必能夠將「愛」與「多謝」宣之於口,他的步伐,他的笑顏,未必需要事事說白,看見軒源的生命改變,他們已經心有答案。
Compassionate Lawyer Sponsors 12 Children: Aiming to Bring Happiness and Warmth to Kids

Compassionate Lawyer Sponsors 12 Children: Aiming to Bring Happiness and Warmth to Kids

Every Saturday morning, Lawyer Wong takes the time to visit the children, playing and interacting with them, and even preparing snacks for them. “I’ve always felt very fortunate in my studies, work, and family, so I want to give back to society and bring happiness and warmth to the children!”   Lawyer Wong's connection with the children at Po Leung Kuk began in 2019. Initially, she learned about volunteer activities involving visits and interactions with children through a member newsletter from the Hong Kong Law Society. During that event, staff from Po Leung Kuk informed her about the facilities, programs, and sponsorship details. Lawyer Wong found the program meaningful and decided to become a sponsor, hoping to improve the children’s living environment and provide them with opportunities to participate in various extracurricular activities.   After completing training for sponsors, she officially began visiting the sponsored children. Although the COVID-19 pandemic caused multiple delays in visitations, it did not deter her compassionate spirit. She expressed that she enjoys every visit, fully engaging with the children, saying, “Whatever the children want to play, I play along with them, even if it’s in the garden.” She also keeps track of each child’s interests, personalities, and memories to make future visits more familiar and enjoyable.   “I remember on my first visit to one child, he asked if he could hug me.” Unfortunately, due to visitation rules prohibiting close contact, Lawyer Wong couldn’t give him a hug. However, that experience deeply moved her, highlighting the children's need for love and care. With a heart full of compassion, Lawyer Wong hopes to reach out to and visit even more children, bringing them joy. Thus, she decided to “expand her family” by increasing her sponsorship from 5 to a total of 12 children. “I hope that in the brief hour of our visit, the children can have fun and find a different experience in their daily lives at the facility; I also want them to feel that there are many people in society who care about and love them.”
(Chinese Only)從遊戲中反思人生 「生命號」在社區撒播幸福種子

(Chinese Only)從遊戲中反思人生 「生命號」在社區撒播幸福種子

(Chinese Only)關於「生死」似遠又近,此刻我們可能健康快活,下一刻可能病患纏身,誰也無法預料將來會過得怎樣。「保良局華永會生命號」流動生命教育中心專車走入學校和社區,希望透過互動的形式,讓參與者認識不同人生階段的苦與樂,反思生命的價值和意義,學習以正面樂觀的思維面對人生的挑戰,做到感恩知足,活在當下。   與課堂式的生命教育課不同,「生命號」每次出隊總給人一種辦嘉年華會的感覺,大大小小的攤位各有主題。「幸福自拍照相館」讓參與者拿着打氣卡牌及道具,跟自己拍照留影,藉此學習欣賞自己、感謝自己;「老是這樣的一回事」體驗活動讓參加者戴上眼罩、耳罩,穿上負重背心,在看不清、聽不見、走不動的情況下完成一系列的任務,藉此體驗長者及殘疾人士在日常生活中的困難,學習體諒他們的需要。而「生命號」流動專車則化身成「生命靜思體驗館」,在車上播放生命教育短片,讓參與者反思與家人朋友的相處,傳達「愛要及時」的訊息。   每次出隊總會看見長者義工的身影,他們親力親為,協助中心職員營運攤位,與參加者訴說人生,引導他們反思人生。保良局華永會「生命號」計劃負責主任張銘森表示,「生命號」是一個助人助己的計劃,長者義工人生經驗豐富,是一本活的「故事書」,他們的經驗分享讓年輕人學習如何從容地面對生活的壓力與挑戰,同時讓長者在人生下半場發展新的興趣, 為晚年賦上新意義。   生命教育是一個漫長的過程,一次的巡迴或許未必可以讓人懂得活在當下,但就如張主任所言,「生命號」走入社區,為公眾提供空間討論生與死,拉近人與人之間的距離。或許這只是萍水相逢的相遇,但長者義工的分享、遊戲的體驗早已在參與者心中埋下了種子,讓他們邁向感恩知足的幸福人生。
Leaving Nursing to Nurse Her Son Back to Health

Leaving Nursing to Nurse Her Son Back to Health

For every mother, feeling her baby growing inside of her during the 10 months of pregnancy is one of life’s most incredible journeys. Ms. Yiu, soon to be the mother of Laam Laam, could not wait to welcome her little one and start their small family, Born prematurely at just 26 weeks, Laam Laam’s tiny organs were not yet ready for the world. He spent crucial months in the hospital fighting to survive and he requires round-the-clock care – a ventilator breathes for him at all times.   Laam Laam couldn’t run and jump like other kids in the past 6 years because he had to go to the hospital for various treatments. His ventilator must be monitored constantly. As such, Ms. Yiu had no choice but to leave her job to be Laam Laam’s full-time caregiver. While the financial, physical, and emotional demands soon became overwhelming, money grew tight as the income of Ms. Yiu’s husband alone could not cover Laam Laam’s expensive medical costs.   Professional team of Po Leung Kuk Chao King Lin Early Learning Centre is helping Laam Laam on his muscle training     Thankfully, she heard about the Po Leung Kuk Chao King Lin Early Learning Centre-Special Child Center. When the professionals of the center heard about Laam Laam’s circumstances, a dedicated team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, childcare workers and social workers were fully geared up to provide holistic support for Laam Laam and his family. His performance on his speech, muscles and eating abilities were weaker than other children of his age at the beginning of training; however after 3 years of time at the center, Laam Laam made tremendous strides in developing his overall abilities.   Ms Yiu feels immensely grateful to Po Leung Kuk and the center for providing her family with comprehensive support She cherishes how their care gave her strength and courage to face each hurdle along this difficult journey. “Because if I did not hang in there with courage, who else could Laam Laam count on?” While uncertainty remains about the future of Yiu’s family, Po Leung Kuk will continue to support children with special needs and their families like Yiu’s family through the Kuk’s full backing in fostering children development and meeting their family needs.   With the assistance of Po Leung Kuk’s resources and generous contributions from donors, we are able to provide adequate and comprehensive training services for underprivileged children and families, safeguarding the children's growth and offering holistic support to families.